Irondale United Methodist Church


Irondale United Methodist Church is an intergenerational congregation that exists to bring healing and wholeness of Christ to the city of Irondale.


10 AM

Sunday School for All Ages

Chancel Choir Rehearsal (9:45)

9 & 11 AM

From the opening hymn and Affirmation of Faith to moments with our children, this service offers opportunities for prayer, impactful sermons, and beautiful choir music, bringing you closer to God.

“A church where people actually know my name, my children’s names, and is invested in my walk with Christ.”

“I love that I go to a church where people don’t always look like me, believe like me, and talk like me, but still love me like family.”

“This church takes loving God and neighbor seriously.”

Upcoming Events

  • Pray with Your Feet

    Inspired by an African proverb, our Lenten worship will explore what it means to put our faith into action for God's kingdom. Each Sunday during Lent, we will hear from representatives of our various outreach partners, learning about the meaningful ways we can serve our community and embody Christ's love in tangible ways.

    Sunday Outreach Spotlights:

    March 9 - Rev. Sarah Smoot from Church of the Reconciler 

    March 16 - Patricia Rowe from Circle of Friends 

    March 23 - Rev. Garrett Harper from Urban Ministries 

    March 30 - Rebecca Morris from Embrace AL Kids 

    April 6 - Heidi Marimberga from Heidi's Kids

  • Midweek Lenten Services

    Every Wednesday during Lent, our church hosts a midweek, midday service followed by a meal. All are welcome!

  • Fifth Sunday Brunch

    Every fifth Sunday of the month, the whole church family joins together for one meal and one worship service. It is a beautiful way to celebrate our unity in Christ Jesus.

  • Prayer Shawl Ministry

    A staple ministry of Irondale UMC, this group of ladies knit throughout the year to provide the tangible comfort of Christ to those in our church and community.