Irondale United Methodist Church provides a supportive, nurturing, fun, safe environment in which children can learn about God and grow spiritually.

Sunday school for ages 3 and up in the Creation Room, and our younger children meet in our nursery.

During worship, children are invited forward for our Children’s Moment, a short, child-centered message about following Jesus, usually followed by a special treat. Our younger children are welcome to stay in worship with their parents or go to the nursery. Whatever’s easiest on the parents. We don’t care!

Almost every month, we host Family Fun activities for children and their families to enjoy exciting fellowship events, including cookie bakes, water games, and spiritual retreats.

Please reach out to Pastor Tyler Blevins with any questions you may have.

Your child matters to God.

All our volunteers and staff are trained to create a safe, secure space for your child to grow in their faith.